Friday, February 18, 2011

Situation Report

As far as progress which has been made this week, I did not go to the classroom so I have not had any further contact with Mr. Steffens face to face however I have e-mailed him and have not gotten a response. The contents of the e-mail can be found here, and once I hear from him I will update my post to include the new information which we recieved.
I am going to set up a time to meet with my group members next week (if possible) in which we can meet to discuss our plans as a group including timelines, responsibilities of each person (I feel they might need to be tweaked as we get into the project) and the responsibilities or roles that we plan for the kids to have in the project. We have as mentioned discussed splitting them up into four teams, each team having a different role and I would like for us as a group to further discuss the responsibilities that each of those teams will have to look after in order to make our project as much of a success as possible.
Today the 4th and 5th grade teachers had a planning day of the next unit; which will start March 7th and end after we graduate. Therefore if we can get into the classroom and effectively implement our idea the students will of course be in charge of the upkeep of it once we leave. I am hoping that we will find success in our goal of having them make a webpage but we shall see once we are able to get into the classroom and really work with them as opposed to simply observing which is pretty much all we have been able to do up until this point.
As far as updates from this week, Danielle went to Mr. Steffens class with Brittny yesterday and these are the notes which she provided us all with as an update afterwards.
Brittny went to the planning that the teachers did today and say should would update us on the way that went very soon but I am still waiting to hear from her so for now this is all the new information that I have!

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